GOT VEIN PAIN? Try ClosureFast!

Dr. DeLaney is now treating venous insufficiency pain with a non-invasive, non-surgical technique that can be done in the office.
Vein disease is often misconceived as merely a cosmetic condition. Varicose veins, spider veins, lower leg skin discoloration and ulcers are signs of venous insufficiency and should be treated before symptoms become more serious. Venous insufficiency is caused by “leaky” blood vessels. Normally, veins have valves that prevent blood from getting lodged in the legs and with the help of leg muscles, carry blood back to the heart. When the valves are unhealthy or damaged, blood travels the wrong way and causes varicose veins, spider veins and leg swelling. If this process carries on long enough, it can cause skin discoloration (redness or darkness) and ulcers.
The most common causes of venous insufficiency are:
- Hereditary
- Jobs requiring prolonged standing or sitting
- Obesity
- Inactivity
- Pregnancy and Hormones
If you have experienced any of the following you are may be candidate for ClosureFast:
*Leg pain, aching or cramping?
*Leg or ankle swelling, especially at the end of the day?
*”heaviness” in your legs?
*Restless legs?
*Skin discoloration or texture changes?
*Open wounds or sores?
ClosureFast is a minimally invasive treatment that involves inserting a flexible catheter into the leaky vein and using radiofrequency or heat to seal it shut. Blood will then be redirected through the normal veins instead and back to the heart which reduces pain and swelling in the leg. The procedure is covered by insurance and is performed in 30 minutes or less and requires no down time.
Please call the office or schedule an appointment for more information today at 925-988-9333.
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